Beaded Christmas Tree

Repurpose cast off mardi gras beads to make unique Christmas tree decor.

Recycled bead Christmas tree DIY

Wondering what to do with that giant pile of Mardi Gras beads? This is the perfect project to use them up.

Recycled bead Christmas tree DIY


Mardi Gras beads – lots
Styrofoam cone
Craft paint and brush
Hot Glue
Clear glass votive holder
pom pom or tinsel for topper

Recycled bead Christmas tree DIY

The first thing you want to do is to give the base cone a neutral color since the white will show through the beads too easily. I am using a muted grayish lavender. You can use gray or any color that is not too bright and matches your beads.

Recycled bead Christmas tree DIY

Apply a thick coat of paint to your base cone and let it dry thoroughly.

Recycled bead Christmas tree DIY

Using your hot glue begin to add your beads around the bottom of the cone and trim off any excess beads. Layer the colors however you like.

Recycled bead Christmas tree DIY

Continue to glue the beads on your cone layering in colors as you see fit. Note – if a strand or two don’t look right you can always pull them off and redo them!

Recycled bead Christmas tree DIY

Keep adding your beads to until you cover the whole cone.

Recycled bead Christmas tree DIY

Choose a pompom for the top and a paint color for the base.

Add your pompom or tinsel to the top of your tree.

Recycled bead Christmas tree DIY

As always when working with hot glue be careful not to burn yourself.

Recycled bead Christmas tree DIY

Once your cone is covered add some paint to the inside of the glass votive candle holder. Swirl the paint around to cover the inside and let it dry.

Beaded tree base

Add a lot of hot glue to the bottom of your votive holder.

Recycled bead Christmas tree DIY

Position your votive on the bottom of your beaded tree.

Recycled bead Christmas tree DIY

Gently slide it so it is in the center of the bottom of the cone.

I like to arrange my trees as singles or in groups of three.

Recycled bead Christmas tree DIY

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Welcome! I’m Jane, and I am obsessed with crafting, decorating, gardening, repurposing castoffs and general DIYing.

This blog focuses on creating on a budget, creative and fun projects that will add a bit of amusement to everyday life, cause lets face it, sometimes life isn’t so easy. My projects aim to be simple while also being Eco and budget friendly with a sense of humor or a sarcastic twist.
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